Welcome to Flowersbangalore.com 100% Secured for online purchase Send Same Day Flowers to Bangalore at low cost by local florist

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Order Charge will show the name "Confetti Online" in your credit card / Bank Statement
Respective Brand owners will be responsible for the quality of product.You can lodge complaints on them through us, if the quality is not found up to the mark.
Flower arrangements shown here are indicative. We do our best to give better result than shown. It may be possible that actual arrangement varies due to availability of flowers and other reasons beyond our control. Delivery status of any order cannot be given over phone while on a delivery date. Please write mail or communicate over mail for status.
If ordered flowers / cake /sweets / Chocolates are not available in the respective city or town, we shall deliver available best quality flowers / cake /sweets of equal value.
Delivery schedule varies between same day delivery to delivery within three business days depending on the destination city or town. However, in all metropolitan cities we deliver on the same day, within two business days in all major cities & town within three business days in all other places.
Delivery of certain items may not be possible under certain uncontrollable circumstances. However, you always have a right to get 100% refund of your money in those case if you do not want delivery at all.
No claim of whatsoever nature under any circumstances will be tenable other than the claim for 100% refund of payment made. All such claims if any, are to be raised within 24 hours of delivery /non delivery.
The owners of the site retains the right to refuse any order unconditionally.
All claims are subject to the jurisdiction of local Court only at Bangalore.